Chickahominy Reservoir

At the top of a mental list I keep about places I need to visit is Chickahominy Reservoir in Eastern Oregon. If you know the place, please don’t pop my bubble about the thrill factor. The name alone brings it sufficient glory. I’ve driven by that sign too many times to count and I’m either on my way somewhere or on my way back home from somewhere and I never make the turn (a left if I’m on my way somewhere, a right if I’m on my way back home).

Since the list of places to visit is a mental list and not documented anywhere permanent, it fluctuates with what I can currently remember, so there’s not always much there. Heh. Today though, one item that has doggedly sat on the Top Ten in indelible mental ink for quite a while has been checked off. Blogville. Yep. Here I am.

Fear and Trepidation are old friends of mine (Nemesis #s 1 & 2 — one on each shoulder). They’ve thankfully lost their footing at the moment and I hope you and I can get to know one another and thereby cast old Fear and his cohort Trepidation over the cliff where they’ll meet their demise. (Word pictures help me.)

I’ve reached my 58th birthday this year. Raised four wonderful and challenging (and yet still wonderful) children. Experienced the unbounded joy of grandparenthood. Stood alongside the same good man for 36 years and have hope for many more (years, not men). Lived the vast majority of my life in the church, mostly in front of the church, in FULL view — which is not only a privilege but a unique lifestyle. Suddenly I feel full of stuff to say. Don’t anybody panic. It’s all going to be okay.

At any rate, I would love to have you join me. I’ll sit beside you. And maybe even visit Chickahominy Reservoir.

This is Beyond Lashley Lane.



In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.

Proverbs 16:9

11 responses to “Chickahominy Reservoir”

  1. Well………..okay, I put in my email address and it says there isn’t a user by that name.
    Just don’t leave me out!!! I’m a slow learner………….how do I get these? Guess I’ll go back and read your directions again.


  2. Welcome to the blog world, Molly Dee! You will be wonderful at it! I will enjoy getting inside your mind and heart, even more than I already have.
    Love you bunches,
    Your aunt, aka your much older sister,


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